When it is
dark in the east, it is light in the west; when things are dark in the south
there is still light in the north.
The engine roars, gears meshed with a growl and thunk. The jungle. The menace.
That's the Traffic in Mumbai for you. Here, honking doesn't signify that the bust is about to start, the only indicator you're going to get is a BEST bus driver who scowls at you and menacingly spits out a jet of vivid red betel juice.
The bridges in Mumbai have done no good but added to the woes of the already deteriorating traffic conditions in Mumbai. The smoulders of shame and guilt flames into anger and a fist-tightening rage at the deceitful approach the government has.
Is this what we pay the endless amount of taxes for? Politicians and government workers were supposed to practice altruism but what we really get to see is a nonchalant attitude.
The egregious condition of roads makes me feel like the vehicles have suddenly burst into a ballistic dance as the buses and automobiles churn through the roads of Mumbai with astonishing efficiency. The fact that with great ease and an awe-inspiring laxness we still manage to bring into power the same goons is really esoteric.
Striking a perfect balance between having a bovine placidity in their face and posture and yet a stern countenance, a great deal of money and a lot of respect (famous or infamous, who cares?) they are able to earn.
I really wonder what future we are headed for as the older generations are not upright, how can you expect the younger generations to respect them?
It is really difficult to make them understand that a lifetime of good is really not enough but a single day of evil is too much.
The 'taxiwalas' are the ones who really make our lives miserable. Being the sole breadwinners, they wade through the traffic even faster. It is as if they are racing against time, like an NFS Underground - Reality Version. At times, they move at an exasperatingly slow pace.
The Two-wheelers: It's my road you freaks I takes to ply on these roads with my majestic riding styles. If there is traffic on the road, no problem, I can still jump onto the footpath with ease and ride through malevolently. Helmets? What for? I am not going to die. Look at the traffic in Mumbai. There are remote chances that I would even be able to cross 30 on these roads, so how can I die? This indefinite ignorance and indifference has been a real cause for concern. Nonetheless, having a two-wheeler seems to be the easiest mode of transport.
The four-wheelers: The most exotic place to
be at even though you're in Mumbai would definitely be your four-wheeler. The
clandestine affairs that start and end inside the rigid chassis of your four
wheeler. So many ways you can really make the experience inside your four
wheeler a memorable one.
1) Windows rolled up (sounds cool, no?)
3) The heaviest and the loudest system which
would literally make an outsider feel some kind of drumming in their skin.
4) Political party sticker is a must. How else can you escape the legitimate goons? (The Pandus) The conjuring trick that palms and conceals the hundred rupee note with skill. The Pandu then reciprocates your gesture with a guileless smile, like the one shown by an infant.
5) The endless, intense moments of passion and 'lurve' really makes me envy and literally plead to my dad to give me one damn car. I really don't care if it's a Maruti or an Aston Martin. I just need it for the quality time I can spend in it.
God bless India, I really don't know where it is heading but surely India economy is heading to an Apocalypse far more severe in nature than the 21st December 2012.
The engine roars, gears meshed with a growl and thunk. The jungle. The menace.
That's the Traffic in Mumbai for you. Here, honking doesn't signify that the bust is about to start, the only indicator you're going to get is a BEST bus driver who scowls at you and menacingly spits out a jet of vivid red betel juice.
The bridges in Mumbai have done no good but added to the woes of the already deteriorating traffic conditions in Mumbai. The smoulders of shame and guilt flames into anger and a fist-tightening rage at the deceitful approach the government has.
Is this what we pay the endless amount of taxes for? Politicians and government workers were supposed to practice altruism but what we really get to see is a nonchalant attitude.
The egregious condition of roads makes me feel like the vehicles have suddenly burst into a ballistic dance as the buses and automobiles churn through the roads of Mumbai with astonishing efficiency. The fact that with great ease and an awe-inspiring laxness we still manage to bring into power the same goons is really esoteric.
Striking a perfect balance between having a bovine placidity in their face and posture and yet a stern countenance, a great deal of money and a lot of respect (famous or infamous, who cares?) they are able to earn.
I really wonder what future we are headed for as the older generations are not upright, how can you expect the younger generations to respect them?
It is really difficult to make them understand that a lifetime of good is really not enough but a single day of evil is too much.
The 'taxiwalas' are the ones who really make our lives miserable. Being the sole breadwinners, they wade through the traffic even faster. It is as if they are racing against time, like an NFS Underground - Reality Version. At times, they move at an exasperatingly slow pace.
The Two-wheelers: It's my road you freaks I takes to ply on these roads with my majestic riding styles. If there is traffic on the road, no problem, I can still jump onto the footpath with ease and ride through malevolently. Helmets? What for? I am not going to die. Look at the traffic in Mumbai. There are remote chances that I would even be able to cross 30 on these roads, so how can I die? This indefinite ignorance and indifference has been a real cause for concern. Nonetheless, having a two-wheeler seems to be the easiest mode of transport.

1) Windows rolled up (sounds cool, no?)
2) The darkest possible tints ( Mafiosa)
Be it the traffic or the politicians, Mumbai as well as India as a whole seems to be in a very big mess. The callous behavior of Mamata Banerjee though unmatched to that by Shah Rukh Khan after his team won the IPL just shows how domineering a state head can be just to pave way for another successful term as the Chief Minister of West Bengal and the head of Trinamool Congress.
4) Political party sticker is a must. How else can you escape the legitimate goons? (The Pandus) The conjuring trick that palms and conceals the hundred rupee note with skill. The Pandu then reciprocates your gesture with a guileless smile, like the one shown by an infant.
5) The endless, intense moments of passion and 'lurve' really makes me envy and literally plead to my dad to give me one damn car. I really don't care if it's a Maruti or an Aston Martin. I just need it for the quality time I can spend in it.
God bless India, I really don't know where it is heading but surely India economy is heading to an Apocalypse far more severe in nature than the 21st December 2012.
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